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Download board items

Select custom sizes & download images that clients have starred

Emma Rose avatar
Written by Emma Rose
Updated over a week ago

Pro users are able to download board items in custom sizes and bulk download items that have been starred by someone else. 

Being able to bulk download starred items is useful if your client has chosen image selects from a contact sheet for editing. 

Download an item:
1. Click the '...' icon at the top of the item
2. Select 'Download'
3. Choose the size of the item (you can select a size or set custom dimensions)
4. Hit 'Download'

Download starred items:

1. Click on the double speech bubble icon at the top right of the board
2. Change the board activity preview dropdown from 'All activity' to 'Starred'
3. Select 'Download all'

The downloaded images will be in your downloads folder as a ZIP file.

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