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An overview of our plans & pricing

Emma Rose avatar
Written by Emma Rose
Updated over a week ago

We like to keep pricing as simple as possible, with no hidden surprises. 

So instead of paying per user, you pay per workspace. This gives you more flexibility and allows you to dig in and add as many team members as you want, without worrying about how adding new members will increase the cost. 

Free Plan ($0/mo)

The free plan is designed to let you test out every feature on Niice. So if you choose to upgrade, you can do so for more boards, uploads & exports 

✔ 5 boards
✔ 3 exports
✔ 100 image uploads (in total)
✔ Slack sync

Small Team ($99/mo)

✔ Up to 10 users
✔ Unlimited boards
✔ Unlimited exports
✔ 50GB Storage

Large Team ($499/mo)

✔ 25 users (additional users can be added)
✔ 1TB storage (additional storage can be added)

✔ Custom templates

✔ Custom font hosting

✔ Custom domain

Get Started or Contact Us for more help

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