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Managing Board Access

Ensure the right people have access to the things they're supposed to

Emma Rose avatar
Written by Emma Rose
Updated over a week ago

Whether you're working on a creative project with your team or needing to share asset libraries with freelancers and agencies, you need to be able to easily manage who can see what and know that the right people have access to things they're supposed to.

Add people to a board

When you're on a board, you can click on the "Add People" icon at the top and type in the email address of the person you'd like to add. You can invite multiple people at once by separating their email addresses with a comma (if they're already on your team, their name will pop up as you type).

Assigning access levels

Choose what access level you'd like them to have and click "Send". Whatever level of access you select here will be automatically reflected on the People page.

Here's an overview of the different levels of access you can assign to a user:

  1. Full Access - They have full editing capability and can share the board with others

  2. Can Edit - They have full editing capability, but can't share it with others

  3. Can Review - They can only comment, star and download board items

  4. Read Only - They can only view the board and download items

Adding someone new

When you invite someone new who isn't part of your workspace, you'll need to assign them a role. Team Members can create their own boards and join team boards. Guests, freelancers, agencies and distributors can only see the boards they've been invited to.

💡 You can change a user's role via their User Profile on the People page.

Manage access in bulk

It's easy to give people access to multiple boards at once, directly from their User Profile on the People page. This is useful if you need to give an agency access to all your asset libraries, for example.

  1. Click on a user to view their User Profile

2. Click "Edit access" in the top right corner

3. Click on the checkbox beside the board to enable access

4. Click the dropdown arrow to select their level of access and then his "Save"

💡 Only Admins will see all the boards someone has access to. Team members can see the boards they share with someone, and Guests don’t have access to the People page at all.

Inherited Access

Users will automatically inherit access to any sub-boards that are nested within a board they have access to.

For example, let's say you give someone access to your main Brand Assets board, this means they'll be able to access all of the libraries within that board— and if you add another board to the stack, they'll automatically have access to it too.

💡 Remember that any boards added to the board stack will automatically inherit the same access level as the parent board.

While on a board, you can see if someone has inherited access if it says "via [board name]" when you click on their avatar. This means if the sub-board was moved out of the stack, they will no longer have access to it.

Overriding inherited access

Sometimes you might want to override an access level on a sub-board. For example, if an agency has read-only access to your campaign boards, but they need to upload some design work for feedback, you can override their access level to a specific sub-board, giving them permission to edit that board (and any sub-boards nested within it).

Once you override an access level, the user will still have access to the board (and its sub-boards), even if you move it out of the board stack.

You can also override board access via the People page. This is useful if you need to manage user access to a bunch of different boards at once as you can see all the access levels they have in a board stack.

💡 Remember, if you override access on a sub-board, the same access level will be applied to all of its sub-boards.

Removing access

It's important that you're able to revoke access as and when needed, especially if you only need to work with the likes of freelancers and agencies temporarily.

To remove someone's access to a board (and it's sub-boards) Click on their avatar, then click on the dropdown and select "No access". They will no longer be able to view the board and it will be removed from their dashboard and sidebar.

You can also remove access from the People Page:

  1. Click on a user to view their User Profile

2. Click "Edit access" in the top right corner

3. Deselect the checkbox beside the board you want to remove access to and hit "Save"

Removing access to the parent board will only remove access to the sub-boards with inherited access. If the access level was overridden on any of the sub-boards, you will need to remove access on them specifically.

For example, removing access to the "A Summer Campaign" board also removed access to all of its sub-boards, with the exception of "Album Artwork" as its access level was overridden.

If you need to give someone access again, you can invite them as normal on the People page, or on the board itself.

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