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Video upload

Upload a bunch of videos to a board and play them in sync

Emma Rose avatar
Written by Emma Rose
Updated over a week ago

Drag and drop videos directly onto a board so you can share, review and discuss them with your team and clients.

Resize and move videos around

Once you upload your videos onto a board, you can resize them with the 'enlarge' button or with the manual toggles. To move them around, simply grab and drop them anywhere within your layout. 

💡 Click here to learn more about board layouts

Turn on autoplay

To have your videos automatically play and loop, go to the "..." icon and click on "Enable autoplay"

Cropping and colour adjustments

Use the manual controls on the video to see what it would look like in square or portrait. You can also quickly see it in black and white by clicking on the "...'" icon and pulling down the saturation on the effects slider.

Download the original video file 

Reviewers can stream videos on a board or download the original file. Simply click on the "..." icon on the video and hit "download".

💡Click here to learn how to give someone permission to download something from your board

Replace your video

If you have an updated version of a video, you can "replace" it right within your layout. All you have to do is go to the "..." button and hit "replace". Just make sure you wait until the video has finished loading before refreshing the board. 

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